Tuesday, July 31, 2012

squid proxy server

                        setup squid proxy server

proxy server is used to block the sites in the office, to set up the normal proxy server you can follow the procedure  below

To install squid proxy server
#apt-get install squid

To view the status of squid
#service squid status

In this /etc/init.d/squid restart will not work so to start and stop the services
#service squid stop
#service squid start

To go to the configuration file
# cd /etc/squid
Here you will see squid.conf then make a copy of it so that it can be used after testing it
#cp squid.conf squid.conf.bak
To view the configuration file
#gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf &
then in the configuration file go assigin line no
then go to the line number around 3400. ther you will find something like
Tag: visible_hostname
at the bottom you type
visible_hostname sunnyproxyserver
then save

Then stop and start the service
#service squid stop
#service squid start
then give
Then to firefox for editing the firefox with system ip and http port no
first go to firefox -> edit -> prefernces -> advanced -> network -> then go to configuration of firefox connect to internet -> manual proxy config

HTTP 192.168.x.x port: 3128
then press ok

Then go to firefox and type any site then it will proxy is annoyoing to connect sunnyproxyserver
Then to configuration file
#gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf &

then go to line no aroun 600 you will find
#http_access allow localnet
then here uncomment the #

Then stop and start the service
# service squid stop
# service squid start

Then go to firefox and type any website it will open

Then again go to configuration file
# gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf &
go to line nop which we uncommented last

http_access allow localnet

here edit it as deny
like this

http_access deny localnet

Then stop and start the services
#service squid stop
#service squid start

then go to fire fox type any website it will be blocked as proxy connection sunnyproxyserver
Then go to configuration file again change the
http_access deny localnet


#http_acess allow alocalnet

if you want to block some websites then apply acl
then in configuration file around 630
you will find
there edit the configuration file at the bottom of it type
acl block_websites dstdomain .msn.com .espn.com
http_acces deny block_websites
then save

then stop and start the service
#service squid stop
#service squid start
then go to the browser nad type msn.com and espn.com it will not opened due to annoying of the proxy server
the see weather other sites are opening or not

1 comment:

  1. please add your comments for site improvement or suggest if any errors
