Tuesday, July 31, 2012

port forwarding in router

Port Forwarding
Step1: open the router page with ip address , it will open the page and ask for username and password .submit username and password and press enter.

Step2: in the left hand side some options are there , in that options click on “Forwarding” ---in that select “Virtual servers” and click on “Add New” option.

Step3: Then it asks to fill some details like serviceport, ipaddress, protocol, status, just fill the details.
  • Service port= application that run on which port.
  • IP address=IP address of server
  • Protocol=All
  • Status=Enabled
And click on “save”

Step4: checking for the application is accessible from any where in the internet.
For accessing the application you must know the External IP address of the router. So to know the External IP of router just type www.cmyip.com in the browser. It shows the IP of router.

Step5: Then type the IP of router with port number of the application in the browser of remote pc(any pc which is connected to internet). Then it redirects to the application which is in following screenshot.
“192.168.x.y:5000”---like this type in the browser.

1 comment:

  1. please add your comments below for site improvement. and also if any mistakes
