Tuesday, July 31, 2012

short keys for windows

Short keys for windows

port forwarding in router

Port Forwarding
Step1: open the router page with ip address , it will open the page and ask for username and password .submit username and password and press enter.

Step2: in the left hand side some options are there , in that options click on “Forwarding” ---in that select “Virtual servers” and click on “Add New” option.

Step3: Then it asks to fill some details like serviceport, ipaddress, protocol, status, just fill the details.
  • Service port= application that run on which port.
  • IP address=IP address of server
  • Protocol=All
  • Status=Enabled
And click on “save”

Step4: checking for the application is accessible from any where in the internet.
For accessing the application you must know the External IP address of the router. So to know the External IP of router just type www.cmyip.com in the browser. It shows the IP of router.

Step5: Then type the IP of router with port number of the application in the browser of remote pc(any pc which is connected to internet). Then it redirects to the application which is in following screenshot.
“192.168.x.y:5000”---like this type in the browser.

squid proxy server

                        setup squid proxy server

proxy server is used to block the sites in the office, to set up the normal proxy server you can follow the procedure  below

To install squid proxy server
#apt-get install squid

To view the status of squid
#service squid status

In this /etc/init.d/squid restart will not work so to start and stop the services
#service squid stop
#service squid start

To go to the configuration file
# cd /etc/squid
Here you will see squid.conf then make a copy of it so that it can be used after testing it
#cp squid.conf squid.conf.bak
To view the configuration file
#gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf &
then in the configuration file go assigin line no
then go to the line number around 3400. ther you will find something like
Tag: visible_hostname
at the bottom you type
visible_hostname sunnyproxyserver
then save

Then stop and start the service
#service squid stop
#service squid start
then give
Then to firefox for editing the firefox with system ip and http port no
first go to firefox -> edit -> prefernces -> advanced -> network -> then go to configuration of firefox connect to internet -> manual proxy config

HTTP 192.168.x.x port: 3128
then press ok

Then go to firefox and type any site then it will proxy is annoyoing to connect sunnyproxyserver
Then to configuration file
#gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf &

then go to line no aroun 600 you will find
#http_access allow localnet
then here uncomment the #

Then stop and start the service
# service squid stop
# service squid start

Then go to firefox and type any website it will open

Then again go to configuration file
# gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf &
go to line nop which we uncommented last

http_access allow localnet

here edit it as deny
like this

http_access deny localnet

Then stop and start the services
#service squid stop
#service squid start

then go to fire fox type any website it will be blocked as proxy connection sunnyproxyserver
Then go to configuration file again change the
http_access deny localnet


#http_acess allow alocalnet

if you want to block some websites then apply acl
then in configuration file around 630
you will find
there edit the configuration file at the bottom of it type
acl block_websites dstdomain .msn.com .espn.com
http_acces deny block_websites
then save

then stop and start the service
#service squid stop
#service squid start
then go to the browser nad type msn.com and espn.com it will not opened due to annoying of the proxy server
the see weather other sites are opening or not

Friday, July 27, 2012

script for the s3 buckets backup

                        Script for the amazon s3 backup by s3cmd

This is the script for the amazon s3 bucket backup in the s3 bucket with the name and date, to do flow this page and write the script below 

#vim s3cmd.sh

1 #!/bin/bash
5 ##Notification email address
7 _EMAIL=xyz@xyz.com
11 ERRORLOG=/var/log/backuplogs/backup.err`date +%F`
13 ACTIVITYLOG=/var/log/backuplogs/activity.log`date +%F`
17 ##Directory which needs to be backed in s3 bucket
19 SOURCE=/root/Desktop/lotos3/
23 ##Name of the backup in bucket to be stored with date and time
25 DESTINATION=`date +%F`
29 ##Backup degree(this is for to maintain how many backup and delete the old)
35 #Clear the logs if the script is executed second time
37 :> ${ERRORLOG}
43 ##Uploading the daily backup to Amazon s3
45 /usr/bin/s3cmd -r put ${SOURCE} s3://MClouds-757cf3e2e4/${DESTINATION}/ 1>>${ACTIVITYLOG} 2>>${ERRORLOG}
47 ret2=$?
51 ##Sent email alert
57 if [ $ret2 -eq 0 ];then
59 msg1="Amazon s3 Backup Uploaded Successfully"
61 else
63 msg1="Amazon s3 Backup Failed!!\n Check ${ERRORLOG} for more details"
65 fi
67 echo -e "$msg1"|mail -s "$msg" ${_EMAIL}
71 #######################
73 ##Deleting backup's older than DEGREE days
75 ## Delete from both server and amazon
77 #######################
79 DELETENAME=$(date --date="${DEGREE} days ago" +%F)
83 /usr/bin/s3cmd -r --force del s3://MClouds-757cf3e2e4/${DELETENAME} 1>>${ACTIVITYLOG} 2>>${ERRORLOG}


Daily Backup with 7 days retention:It takes daily full backup

35 10 * * * /root/s3cmdbackup.sh

Monthly Backup: It takes a full backup every month 15th and 28th dates

40 2 15,28 * * /root/s3cmdbackup.sh

Yearly backup: It takes a full backup every year december 31st

20 23 31 12 * /root/s3cmdbackup.sh

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

upload and downloads to amazon (s3) bucket

Uploading and downloading files to amazon (s3) buckets from internet

Now-a-days some many online storage of data is provided by the many providers like that amazon is providing online data storage S3 for storage of the data it can used for upload and downloading the files
in the cloud and it can be accesed by the public internet. To upload and download of the files from the any system which is having internet. For this you have to install the following package.

# apt-get install -y s3cmd

#s3cmd –configure

while configuring the s3cmd package it will ask for the access id of your amazon and also the secret key the n select all as ok while installing
after this the installation will be completed.

To see the content of you s3 bucket it will show like this
#s3cmd ls
here it will display the files and folders of your s3 bucket some what like this
cmd to check List of s3buckets:
#s3cmd ls

List of contents in a Bucket:
#s3cmd ls s3://backups.exleaz.com

Uploading an image or any file/folder to s3 bucket:
#s3cmd -P put /root/Desktop/IMAGE/8.jpg s3://MClouds-757cf3e2e4/
#s3cmd -P put /root/Desktop/myproj.rar s3://MClouds-757cf3e2e4/
#s3cmd -P put /root/Desktop/myproj.rar s3://MClouds-757cf3e2e4/

Deleting an image from the s3bucket:
#s3cmd del s3://MClouds-757cf3e2e4/8.jpg

Downloading an image/file from the s3bucket:
#s3cmd get s3://MClouds-757cf3e2e4/8.jpg /root/Desktop/myproj/

syncing a bucket to a local folder:
#s3cmd sync s3://MClouds-757cf3e2e4 /root/Desktop/s3tolo/

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

send mails from the command prompt

                   send mails from command prompt

if you would like to send the mails from command prompt, then you have to install this setup in your local systems and servers also

#apt-get install heirloom-mailx
#apt-get install mailutils
#apt-get install ssmtp

Edit the configuration file as shown below
#vim /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf

comment all the lines in the file then after enter the below data

AuthPass=*********  (password of the mail id account)


Then go to the configuration file from which account you would like send the mails

#vim /etc/ssmtp/revaliases


Then in this configuration file give your account name

#vim /var/mail/account_name



after this test by sending a mail like this

#echo "hi how are you" | mail -s 'test' maild id which you want to send the mail
then the meaasge will be delivered to your account

cron in ubuntu

How to write cron in ubuntu

cron is use to perform we repetable jobs which is done in system each and every second or minute
when we install ubuntu it will come defaultly
sudo yum install vixie-cron crontabs
chkconfig crond on
#/service crond start

for suppose you would like to perform a command like example each every minute then you can do like this
it is in the below format
minutes hours (date of month) (month) (day of the weak) command
16 9 * * * chmod -R 777 /var/managment/*

here in the above we had given as every morning at 9hours 16minutes on every day every month this command will be executed
for suppose you would like to perform it for every 10 minutes means here it will be like this

*/10 * * * * chmod -R 777 /var/managment/*

so here the will will be runned for every 10 minutes,
if would like to run for every minute means then do like this
* * * * * chmod -R 777 /var/managment/*

so here the command will be runned for every minute
To check the cron running in your system then type like this
#crontab -l

to restart the cron then
#service crontab restart

Monday, July 23, 2012

Thunderbird installation in ubuntu

                            How to user thunderbird in ubuntu

Thunderbird is used to open your mail accounts of different providers, thunderbird is simple and esy to use then other mails
To install the thunderbird download the thunderbird from here

Then install the .tar.gz package by extracting and installing it
after installing you will get like this

here add your name and your mail id and password so that your mail acoount will be be added and oppened. (please do select the option of imap so that you cant lost your mails).

then after this you click on ok. then your account will be added. yiou can see your inbox outbox and drafted mails in thunderbird.

here your account will be created. if you want to attach the singnature file 

here click the attach the singnature file option and click on the choose button to add the existing singnature file

ruby and rails installation on ubuntu

Installation of ruby and rails in ubuntu

to install ruby and rails in ubuntu 10.10 follow the procedure for the installation of ruby & rails
to install ruby

#apt-get install ruby-full
after this the ruby will be installed

then after this for download the ruby gems
#wget production.cf.rubygems.org/rubygems/rubygems-1.3.7.tgz

after this the rubygems will be downloaded as a .tar file then extract the the downloaded file
#tar-xvf rubygems-1.3.7.tgz

after this move to th rubygem directory
#cd rubygems-1.3.7/

after this install the rubygems
#ruby setup.rb

here the ruby gem will be installed
create link file the gems
#ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem

then insall gem like this
#gem install rdoc

for the installation of rails 2.3.8 version of rails
#gem install –version=2.3.8 rails --include-dependencies
after this the ruby and rails will be installed

after this install the below package for the installation of mysql gem
#apt-get install libmysql-ruby libmysqlclient-dev

#gem install mysql
here the gem for mysql will be installed

installation of phpmyadmin for lamp in ubuntu


how to install php myadmin in ubuntu? Its a simple process to install php my admin in ubuntu

# sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
after this the installation of phpmyadmin completes

# sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow phpmyadmin
after this create a link file between phpmyadmin and apache2 (installation depends on the earlier post)
if you install lamp it will be reflected like this

#sudo ln -s /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf

after this a link file will be created between myadmin and apache
then restart the server
# sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
after this go to browser and type like http://localhost/phpmyadmin

installation of lamp in ubuntu

                                         Lamp server

Installation of lamp is same as xammp but the only difference is we use linux in the place of the windows
lamp can be installed in ubuntu. if we install the lamp server we will get mysql, php, linux

#sudo apt-get install lamp-server^
here the (^) is important because it will be installed only if we use ^ .so don't miss this symbol (^)
after this the lamp will be installed
after this will ask for the mysql root password for the creation of the database
after this it will be completed
to test your apache server go to the browser and type this http://localhost
then it will be opened like “it works” so by this you can confrim that the apache working
then to test you php do like this
#sudo nano /var/www/testing.php
here a file will be created then edit this file as follows

<?php phpinfo(); ?>
then save the file
then restart the apache server

#sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
after the installation go to the browser and type http://localhost/testing.php
then it will be resloved as a page in the browser
after the installationof lamp checxk for the bind address

# cat /etc/hosts | grep localhost
here it will show the local hosts

#cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf | grep bind-address
in the configuration file file you can see the bind address as it will be as default if not means cange the bind address of the my.cnf file

Friday, July 20, 2012

why to upgrade server from small to medium in amazon

Upgradation of servers from m1.small to m1.medium or large instances :

We are using the small instance. But it is not capable to run more apps. It is capable to run upto 15 to 20 apps. So we have to upgrade the hardware of small instance. So after small instances there is medium instances are there. So we have to upgrade m1.small to m1.medium instance.
2xm1.small = 1 m1.medium . so we can deploy up to 40 to 45 apps in medium instance.
Upgradation :
  • If we upgrade from current small instance to medium instance, there is chances to data loss. So avoid data loss first save the entire server as image and save that image in s3 bucket. Then boot the new m1.medium instance from the saved image.
  • At the time of saving image we have to stop all the services and then save the image.
  • It takes nearly 1 to 2 hours for saving the image. (down time)
  • From that image we can boot the new instance.
  • New instance having the new ip.
  • So After launching the new instance we can make some changes in proxy, firewall, mail relay, name resolution, monitoring and maybe something else, I don't remember-- they need to get the new ip.
  • And then shut down the old small instance.
Billing for medium instance :
Small instance $0.090 Per/Hour
Medium instance $0.180 Per/Hour
For 1 small instance monthly bill is $64.8 per/month
For 1 medium instance monthly bill is $129.6 per/month

usb bootable pen drive in windows

                          USB BOOTABLE DRIVE

for quick installation of o.s we would like to go for usb bootable drive by this we can save buying a dvd
here down we'll show to create a usb drive with windows 7, for this you require 4gb pendrive or more than that and windows 7 cd which is genuine

  1. in windows 7 go to start button in acces Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories and right-click on Command Prompt and run it as administrator then in the command promot type like this
  2. Then afteer type like this
  3. Then after you can see disk 0 and disk 1 in the bottom
    then type like this one after the other you will get like this

  4. after this the formatting of the pendrive will take about 30 mintues, sfter this open the mycomputer you will find the pendrive as the F: drive and the cd inserted in the cd tray will be as E: drive then after this type the command as below
  5. Successfully installed NFTS file system bootcode
    after this you insert the windows 7 cd in the cd drive
    then open the the cd and copy all the files into the pendrive
    this will takle time after this your pen drive will be ready to use as a usb bootable drive

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

creating and appending files in ubuntu

How to create files in ubuntu, and view the content of files using editors

there are different types of editors in ubuntu, you can use nano, vi, vim these editors to view the content of the file
to install vim do like this
#apt-get install vim
then this will be installed

  1. to create an empty file
    #touch sunny
    here an empty file will be created with 0 bytes
  2. to create a file with some matter in it
    #cat > mom
    hi mom how are you
    then ctrl+d to save
  3. to view the connect of the file
    # cat mom
    hi mom how are you
  4. to append the matter in already present file
    # cat >> mom
    hi mom how are you
    hi mom this is your son
    ctrl+d to save
  5. to view the content you can use these
    #vim mom
    after this to save w!
    To save and quit wq
    To save and quit forcefully wq!
    To quit forcefully q!
    and other like this
    #vi mom
    and also can use
    #nano mom
    here click x to save
    and Y for yes

how to log into root account in ubuntu after installing

 how to log into root account in ubuntu after installing

after installation of the ubuntu you are asked to log in as root for this you do like this
when you install ubuntu with a user name then do like this
# sudo passwd root
after this you will ask for the normal user password and then
you will promtted with the new password then create the password after this you log in to root
like this

# su root

here give the new password for the root

then you can log in as root