Thursday, September 20, 2012



do worry it can be fixed very simple just try out this command

#ssh-keygen -R (the remote ipaddress)
here it will now able to login to the remote using ssh

Saturday, September 15, 2012

How to create bootonly file for redhat 5,6

How to create bootonly file for redhat 5,6

here we will create a iso image file which has the only content from where to take the operating system through the network
How to create a boot only file in redhat, here shown below for rhel5, rhel6
first of all copy the isolinux folder from rhel6 dvd
keep the rhel6 dvd into the cd tray
then after

#cd /media/rhel6
here you can see all the dvd content, here you copy the isolinux folder at some of the location

#cp -rf /media/rhel6/isolinux /home/xyz/Desktop/
here it will copy the isolinux folder on to the desktop

#cd /home/xyz/Desktop
#chmod u+x isolinux/*
here it will give the execution permission for the isolinux folder

#mkisofs -o file.iso -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot \-boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J -v -T isolinux/

after this a file with name file.iso is created on the desktop
here the iso which is created is used like as a boot file, it will have the information of booting until from where to take the os
same procedure for the Rhel5
and copy this image into a cd to make as a bootonly cd

Network installation of redhat using nfs, ftp, http

Network installation of redhat using nfs, ftp, http

To create a network installation of redhat, you have to setup the ftp, nfs , http servers if want to setup click here
to setup network installation we should have to get the boot only image for this if you like to setup bootonly iso image clickhere
keep the boot only cd in the tray and make it boot
then it will be seen like this.

then give as follows 

to get the dump from the ftp server which has files in /var/ftp/pub

for http server give as below

for the nfs server give the url as
and path as /var/ftp/pub

after this you will be able to install the linux in the system by using ftp nfs and http.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to create a repo file and also make it as ftp,nfs,http server

How to create a repo file and also make it as ftp,nfs,http server

how to create a repository file then click here
after creating a repo file
then download the packages of vsftpd,nfs,httpd
#yum install vsftpd
#yum install nfs
#yum install httpd
after this go to
#vim /etc/exports
/var/ftp/pub *(ro,sync)
Then asigin a static ip to your system from here

Then save
#cd /var/www/html
#ln -s ../../var/ftp/pub/
here we will create a link file for pub and html
here after this start all the services
#service nfs restart
#service vsftpd restart
#service httpd restart
then go to the browser and type your ip
like this
here you can see all the dump of rhel dvd in the browser
then go to browser and type
here you can see all the dump of the dvd in the browser

How to create a repository file for the rhel

How to create a repository file for the rhel

To create a repo file first dump all the rhel dvd in the /var/ftp/pub
put the rhel operating system dvd into the cd tray and then go to the path

#cd /media/rhel6/
then dump all the dvd content to the /var/ftp/pub
if this path not present then create it

#cd /var

#mkdir -p ftp/pub
here the file will be created
then dump here

#cp -rf /media/rhel6/* /var/ftp/pub
here all the dvd connect will be copied to th path /var/ftp/pub
here create a repo file

#vim /etc/yum.repos.d/server.repo

Here the repo file will be create, to check wheather its working or not then do like this
#yum list all
here it will show all the packages
then the repo file created succesfully

how to download torrentz videos in redhat

How to download the videos and files through torrentz in rhel

To download the videos from torrentz you can simply download the package named
#yum install transmission

here it will download the packages from the dump of the rhel6 dvd of your .repo file

after installaing go to application>internet>transmission bittorrent client

after this downlaod the torrentz files from the internet and just double click it it will be added to tranmission bit torrentz client directly .

Saturday, September 1, 2012

how to install and use github in ubuntu for deploying

How to install github and deploy it in through local

First create a free account in github by clicking and then create your account here
note: free account is viewable by public and paid services are private

Install your github in your local pc
$sudo apt-get install git-core

here create your username and email here to get the passwd cache in your mails
$git config –global “your name here”
$git config –global “your email id”
$git config –global credential.helper cache
$git config –global credential.helper 'cache –timeout=3600'

Then login to with your id
Then create a repository name as some exleazand some discription then create the repo

Then create a key in your local system
#cd .ssh
#ssh-keygen -t rsa
then key will be generated then copy the key in and copy it in github >> account setting>>SSH keys here add ssh key enter then paste the key with the name

then go to local system where you developed the apps
after going into that project developed path type this command
#git init
here it will generate a hidden folder .git

#git add .
This command will gather all the file together

#git commit -m “message”
then go to git hub account and your repo it will show a link with http and ssh then copy the ssh link like as this Ex:
type this command

#git remote add exleaz
here exleaz is a name which you are giving to the file

#git push -u exleaz master
here it will dump all your local apps in to the git hub

if you edit the file in github and want to update that to your local then
#git pull exleaz
it will get all the update copy to the local
note: when you type this commands you should go to the path where your local apps where uploaded

if you would like to dump all the apps into local
#git clone exleaz