Friday, August 31, 2012

How to install libreoffice in redhat through rpm packages

How to install libreoffice in redhat through rpm packages

Download the packages by selecting the language package in libreoffice site or you can download directly from the comman below

  1. after downloading the package LibO_3.6.1_Linux_x86_install-rpm_en-US.tar.gz
  2. #tar xvf LibO_3.6.1_Linux_x86_install-rpm_en-US.tar.gz
    here the files will be extracted as LibO_3.6.1.2_Linux_x86_install-rpm_en-US
  3. then #cd LibO_3.6.1.2_Linux_x86_install-rpm_en-US
  4. #cd RPMS
    here you can see all rpm packages here
  5. #su -c 'yum install *.rpm'
    here all rpm packages will be installed
  6. cd desktop-integration
    directory will be changed
  7. #su -c 'yum install libreoffice3.6-freedesktop-menus-3.6.1-2.noarch.rpm'
  8. here the libre office will be installed
  9. go to applications >> office >> libre

Thursday, August 30, 2012

how to install skype in Rhel6

How to install skype in Rhel in easy and simple way

how of all download the this from here by typeing this command

#yum localinstall --nogpgcheck ./skype-

its completed you can go to the applications >> internet >> skype

then you can login to skype

how to run google chrome as root in ubuntu and redhat

How to run google chrome as root in ubuntu and rhel

Here given below shows you how to download install google chrome in ubuntu as well as in redhat

How to download and install google chrome in rhel
# vim /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo
name=google-chrome - 32-bit
then save the file
# yum install google-chrome-stable
Then go to application>>internet>>google chrome
if you are opening as root then edit the configuration file
#vim /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome
at the end of the file you will found something like this in colour
exec-a “$0” “$HERE/chrome” “$@” --user-data-dir$Home
then save the file
go and open the google chrome

How to download and install google chrome in ubuntu
install google chrome from ubuntu software center
if you would like to open as root then edit the configuration file
#vim /usr/bin/chromium-browser
at the end of the config file add this coloured lines

exec $LIBDIR/$APPNAME $CHROMIUM_FLAGS "$@" --user-data-dir
# we can't exec here as we need to clean-up the temporary profile
$LIBDIR/$APPNAME $CHROMIUM_FLAGS "$@" --user-data-dir

then save the file
then run the google chrome as root

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sublime in ubuntu


Sublime text Editor its an alternate for the notepad, sublime is very colourfull for the text editors
here are the steps below how to install Sublime text editor 2 in ubuntu

  1. first of all download the the sublime editor from the  internet 
  2. #cd /home/username/Downloads
  3. #tar -xvf Sublime\ Text\ 2\ Build\ 2181.tar.bz2
  4. # mv Sublime\ Text\ 2 /var
  5. #cd /var
  6. #sudo chown -R username. Sublime\ Text\ 2
  7. #sudo ln -s /var/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text /usr/bin/sublime
  8. Create the file vim /usr/share/applications/sublime.desktop
In the file add the fllowing and then save the file

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Sublime Text 2
Icon=/opt/Sublime Text 2/Icon/48x48/sublime_text.png
[NewWindow Shortcut Group]
Name=New Window
Exec=sublime -n
#hi this is sunny enjoy your sublime

then save the file :wq!